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Frank Uit de Weerd

Organizational Psychologist | Executive Coach |
Author | Speaker | Founder Aoidos Leadership

Frank Uit de Weerd is an organizational psychologist and executive coach specialized in supporting leaders, teams, and organizations in their quest to become truly high-performing and value creating in an ever more complex and rapidly changing world.

Bringing broad international experience in leadership development, business innovation, and (cultural) transformation to his clients, Frank has over twenty-five years of experience in a large, corporate organization (Royal Dutch Shell), where he made an international career in human resources with assignments in the Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Gabon, and Malaysia.

He is also a senior faculty member of CRR Global, trainer of the ORSC relationship systems approach, and supervisor of their certification program.

Since 2015, Frank has been working as a trusted advisor and coach for leaders, teams, and organizations. Building on the latest insights of neuroscience, he quickly creates a trusting, safe environment where individuals/teams can experiment outside their comfort zone. This consistently results in significant personal growth and high business achievements.

Frank is a well-known speaker and first author of the book “Systems Inspired Leadership”. He is also co-author of the Dutch book “Leading Innovation” and the article “Leadership 4.0: A Review of the Thinking.”

You can contact Frank directly via www.aoidosleadership.com or by emailing frank@aoidosleadership.com


can help your organisation to navigate complexity

and stay ahead of the disruptive forces of the 21st century.